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Showing posts from September, 2017

Netflix Movies Free

Recommend/needed steps before everything: USE OPERA WITH INBUILT VPN AND ICOGNITIO MODE 1. Clear cache of browser of all time and select everything (if you don't want to then use an another browser just for it) 2. German IP Address is needed. Now the "real" steps to get the Netflix: 1. go to netflix with ACTIVATED German VPN (site link must be with /de/ so just like this: 2. then click on the big button who says "GRATISMONAT BEGINNEN" 3. then you can select an plan of your choice (UHD is a smart decision to use) 4. Use any temp email service you like or a personal one doesnt really matter. 5. if you deceided to use now the temp-mail site here's a little instruction for the site: if you are not on the site you can see on the left some thing you can click on the most important feature called "Change" click on it there you can type now anythin you want the email called (maybe like the customers name...


How to dox anyone from internet (useful h4ckz) Useful Sites : ------------------------- WhitePages Search: ------------------------ Social Network Searches: If you know your victim http://www.facebook....rectory/people/ (Monitor twitter convos) -------------------------------- Phone Information & Lookups: -------------------------------- IP Address: Generate a Link which you send to your victim. If he clicks it, his IP will be sent to your email inbox. --------------------------------------------- Website: ------------------------------------------- ...

Whatsapp Hacking (Exploit) for learning purpose

Hello everybody, in this tutorial we will show you how to hack whatsapp account through mac spoofing attack. First of all the requirements of this procedure are: 1. Mobile Phone Rooted 2. Target's Phone for 5 minutes 3. Busybox and Terminal App installed on your android device 4. Wifi Scanner ( if you can't reach the target's phone for getting his / her mac address through settings ) TUTORIAL 1. Uninstall WhatsApp from your phone or device. You'll install it again at the end of the method, but you'll need to configure it differently, and the easiest way to make sure you'll be able to do that correctly is to completely uninstall it now. 2. Obtain your target's phone. You'll need it for two different steps throughout the process, but this shouldn't take too long - you should be able to return it before your target starts to miss it. 3. Find your target's phone's Media Access Control (MAC) address. A MAC address ...

Sql Injection-Tutorial and requirement (educational purpose)

- Python - Sqlmap - Tor Browser - Sql Poizon v1.1 ( ) All the rest can be found easily on Google. PART 1 - Finding vulnerable Targets

How-to Make Your Own Silent Miner [Any Coin] [100% working]

Hey there! This setup is very basic but its still working without problems and you can mine any coin you want. Moreover, your silent miner will be 100 % free and you need just 5 minutes for the setup. --no password-- Have phun! The Jump Start Kit: DOWNLOAD ONLINE   Using Claymore CPU Miner for x64 systems - tested 03/03/2017 (working)!T1...ZtT96bUHhVl702U Just download and extract the rar. Register an account as described in the tutorial above. Now edit "start.bat" and put your email where it says "YOUREMAILHERE". Make a rar archive as described in the tutorial above. Congrats: Your miner is ready! Moreover you can use this Silent Miner Builder (XMR, merged mining works, too):!e1...ZH_J2N3ONWRV6CY It's already available here on - I do not take any credits for the crack. I have just packed it to a new r...

How to RAT an Android Phone/Tablet 2018

How to RAT an Android Phone/Tablet  Hey, i'll post a short tutorial on how to RAT an android device and so get a full control of it Okay so, first of all thanks for clicking on this topic and don't hesitate at the end to upvote it To RAT an Android Device "secretly", we need a program which is called SpyNote ( http://www.ethicalha...2-full-version/ ) When the download is completed, we need to extract the program from the .rar in a folder. Now, our folder should looks like that : So, we'll start the "SpyNote" file and a window will pop The first thing we need to do is creating an infested .APK (You'll also need the victim to somehow install the .APK on his/her device) Click Tools, then Build. You should have a window that got some "Android" icons on the right now You can edit how you want to make it more realistic (and even bind it to an e...

facebook Email checker

Today, I share source [PHP] Facebook Email Check From AnonGhost. <?php //AnonGhost Team is Everywhere \!/ ob_start ( ) ;   @ set_time_limit ( 0 ) ; error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_PARSE ) ; echo " <body bgcolor='black'> <head> <link rel='icon' type='image/ico' href=' %20f avicon_thumbnail.png'/> <form method='POST'> <title>Facebook Email Checker</title> </head>" ; echo " <style> #s{ margin-bottom:15px;} textarea{ resize:none; background-color:black; color:#26a1ff; border:1px solid #0088ec;         border-radius:10px; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px #26a1ff; } input{ color:#0088ec; background-color:black; border:1px solid #0088ec;         } </style> <center><b><br><br><font face='impact' size='5' colo...

[Facebook] Delete Your Last Name (Use Only First Name)

Things you will need: A brain, Firefox browser and a proxy from Indonesia. Step #1 : Log in to your Facebook account and go to --->> Account Settings. Step #2 : Change the Language to Bahasa Indonesia. Step #3 : Now, you need to show Facebook that you are from Indonesia. This will allow you to have single name on Facebook. To do this, you will need a proxy or VPN from Indonesia. You can find the proxies on this website: Copy the Proxy address and Port. (Prefer proxies with most uptime, currently working ones (at the time of post are:,, ) Step #4 : Now in Firefox go to Options-->Advanced-->Network-->Settings. I'm using firefox, but if you aren't using it download it for this purpose only. Step #5 : Use manual proxy configuration. Check or tick the Use Proxy Server for all protocols option. Paste the Proxy address and Port which you got from the above...