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How to RAT an Android Phone/Tablet 2018

How to RAT an Android Phone/Tablet

 Hey, i'll post a short tutorial on how to RAT an android device and so get a full control of it

Okay so, first of all thanks for clicking on this topic and don't hesitate at the end to upvote it
To RAT an Android Device "secretly", we need a program which is called SpyNote (http://www.ethicalha...2-full-version/)

When the download is completed, we need to extract the program from the .rar in a folder.
Now, our folder should looks like that :
So, we'll start the "SpyNote" file and a window will pop

The first thing we need to do is creating an infested .APK
(You'll also need the victim to somehow install the .APK on his/her device)

Click Tools, then Build. You should have a window that got some "Android" icons on the right now
You can edit how you want to make it more realistic (and even bind it to an existing APK so it'll be a real app but with the virus)
On the "Host" line, you can use your own IP (you shouldn't do that if you're planning on uploading it somewhere on the net) or a host no-ip (that is free and secured)
Now click the button Build that is on the top of the window and the program may not respond for a few seconds, just wait until it shows you that the build was sucessful
Now, we have the infested APK where the RAT is in
You need to somehow make your victim download it (you can always tell them it's a fabulous game but it doesn't exists on the play store so you need to give them the APK)
Once they would have downloaded it, the app will launch in background, meaning that the victim can't stop the RAT by himself
So I did it with an application that I called "AndroidLVL" (not binded to anything so it's an "invisible" app)

I downloaded by myself the app on my device and now I got a little window that appears in the bottom-right corner showing that someone downloaded my app and I can now have the total access to his/her device
So, if you go back to the main screen, you can see that you got a line that appeared
You can now have fun with the device
If you're wondering why in the "Country" section it's wrote LocalHost, it's because the device is connected on the same wifi as my computer.

only for education purpose :)


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